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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Me/You and God's Work

....thought i would share this reflection with you today, as it was the daily reading assigned for today. when i think about the life that i am living here in baguio city, i truly do see it as a gift - even amidst the challenges and difficulties. is it possible that all of this (my life, your life) really is one big blessing? absolutely. and so i invite you, to think of the ways that God has invited YOU to participate in the beautiful world He has created. YES, it IS possible that your life can be one magnificent, beautiful, free gift...and so, what do we do with it? ...i think that's for us to figure out - something good. :)
     Jesus challenges us to participate in God's Work - as he did. This is not how we commonly see things. What needs to be done has commonly been seen as our work. God enters into the picture as someone who can help us do our work. We must pray, it is said, for God's grace. In fact what needs to be done is God's Work, and it is we who can be said to help by participating in God's Great Work. God's grace or free gift is best seen as the privilege of participating.
     But first we need to become free and humble enough to do so. We need to recognize that we ourselves are products of God's Work. But we are also invited to participate in the process of becoming co-artists and co-creators of the future.
     We do this by allowing God to work in and through us. When we are radically free...divine energy can flow through us unhindered.
     God's Work, like God's Wisdom, is revolutionary. It turns the world upside down. We participate by adding our voice to the many prophetic voices that are speaking out boldly in our day and age.
     Jesus' Way is a path that will lead us to the radical freedom that enables us to participate in God's Great Work of Art.
     God's Work sometimes appear to be slow. Yet precisely because it is God's Work, the future is secure. There is hope for the universe and for each of us as individuals. When I die, my ego, my false self, will be destroyed once and for all, but my true self will continue forever in God, the Self of the Universe.

- Albert Nolan, from Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom (taken from A Maryknoll Book of Inspiration by Michael Leach and Doris Goodnough)

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