...my favorite sites

Sunday, February 5, 2012

walk, not run

For the past two weeks, I have had the great opportunity to visit some of the sites for the missionary outreach that Sr. Terezinha and I have been preparing for our members from Circles of Discernment, SOSCFI scholars, and for some of our leaders from the Diocese. It has been such a beautiful, blessed experience so far, especially with organizing everything (even though it is so difficult managing scheduleing), and coordinating the plans with the missionaries and the community we will be invited into, but it has been such a great personal experience for me. I am just so excited to be sharing this community (that Sr. T and I have fallen in love with), with this other group of young people who have said yes to accepting this mission! :)

In this past week, I have met with three different groups of people to give them a "mission orientation," to prepare them for what they may expect and to prepare them with their responsibilities as they visit each home.

Here is a list of some of the helpful reminders:
* Take your time and LISTEN
* This is a time to share our faith with one another
* If there are children, play with them! Spend TIME with the community
* Do NOT rush, trying to fit in as many visits. We are not looking for quantity of homes visited. We are looking for quality time spent with Jesus and our brothers and sisters.
* If needed, we can schedule another time to visit the communities, if not all of the communities are visited during the course of the day.
* Smile and be grateful for this opportunity
* If you are not welcomed into a house, kindly leave and proceed on your way (this is also the way of Jesus!)

Please pray for us as we tie up the loose ends this week. I will be meeting with the parish priest to get some water blessed so that we can bring the Holy Water into each home to bless the homes, and will be finalizing all the plans later this week too. It will be wonderful!

With wings on our feet, off we go!!

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