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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

reverence for the individual

i lose track of the days, and for that, i apologize. monday was a good day, one that seems like such a blur! we were pretty much all over the lower east side yesterday, met a jewish white man who is married to a filipina lady and turns out that he owns a little filipino restaurant close by in gramercy. delicious! i also realized in that conversation that so happened to turn out to be a 15 minute convo, that whenever me, mary and michelle travel anywhere, an expected 5 minute stop turns out way longer than expected. our stories are complex, and even just the simple question, "what do you do out here?" turns into a drawn out conversation and explanation about our mission and ministry with mother cabrini. haha, welp! that's the way it goes!

the guys at cvs know us, we make friends with the people at walgreens, dunkin donuts love mary...but let's be honest. we gotta do what we gotta do. we're missioners. :) we also played in central park yesterday! well, we had a little picnic and rewarded ourselves with baskin robbin ice cream! so good. gold medal ribbon, you are DELICIOUS, so tasty!

today was a good one...michelle and i had to attend a catholic teacher conference for the catholic school teachers in the archidiocese of new york. i know, you're jealous. that was pretty much the whole day, attending a keynote speaker and a couple of workshops, and then went off to treat ourselves at dylan's candy shop! yes. that's right, be jealous. i got birthday cake ice cream in a sugar cone of course, and my heart was happy with that decision. we practiced our child labor skills by sweeping in front of our good ol' place of living and refuge, and i find that whenever we partake in this chore, i always meet the most random people.

haha the best is when i let the strangers know we live there, and then their first question is, " are you a nun?" - no - "are you going to be one?" - i don't know? no? - hahaha it's awesome. we made sister names for ourselves, and since sister crystal just does not flow well...mine is sister mary grace, if that ever comes to be a reality. EVER. grace is my middle name...so we'll see about that one! THEN....the night began...AND we did free salsa...in the street. YUP. be jealous...mary got us into it, and michelle knows her stuff, and now i like it, after dancing with an old asian man who was turning me and salsa-ing me for a good 20 minutes straight. shoot.

ANDDDD turns out i will be continuing my capoeira practice!! woohooo! i just need to talk to the mestre and see how i can volunteer my time in exchange for free classes a couple of times a week. :) YUP...done and DONE. brazilian martial arts, here i come....<3

...and THIS is my ministry. :)

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you're having so much fun. i'm so happy for you. mmmm baskin robbins. i haven't had it in years!
