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Monday, February 22, 2010

it was all so refreshing...

the hardest part of today was most definitely getting out of bed. i do this thing, which consists of waking up at 5:30 only to snooze for 10-14 minutes, then fighting against myself and turning on the lights. when the lights are on, then boom, i'm usually ready to go...well, so was not the case this morning! turned on the lights, sat up, and definitely toppled back over. haha...got out of bed at 6:20 and peaced by 6:35. i think i did a pretty good job, while maintaining a decent look as a teacher. :) and so began my morning...

the difficulty is that we had all last week off - GREAT! well, i caught up on so much needed sleep throughout the week, then this last weekend happened, and well, now i must catch up on sleep from this weekend! it's ok, i actually feel as though i have recharged my battery throughout the energies of today... :)

it was a beautiful day. why? it was refreshing and wonderful to see all the students!! highlights of my day included busting out some good music on my ipod, dancing in campus ministry, listening to a student talk about her journeys towards inviting Jesus back into her life and why she was making the decision to do so, teaching my health class (for noise and fun purposes) that we are to snap, instead of applause - and them actually listen and remember!, hearing my students share their collages that i assigned them, hearing my student read a poem aloud that she wrote about herself, going to theology on tap tonight, getting a lot of little things done that i just needed to do, but procrastinated on, and it was just such an uplifting energetic day.

...miss, you're like pushing 40...miss, i was wearing long pants and heels like the ones that you're wearing today, and i thought of you...miss, i love being around you because you're always smiling...doesn't it get tiring being so happy all the time?...miss, just stop... - so were some noteworthy comments from students today, all of which usually make me laugh right back at them, and correct them when necessary, of course.

my heart is happy in that life is just really good, and really beautiful. especially in this lenten season, praying, fasting, and almsgiving...stop/look/listen has been top of mind, always...awareness is key, and that is what i am finding. :)

beauty everywhere, even when i think there's none sometimes, happiness in getting wireless in our community room, joy in that my students feel comfortable talking to me and seeking advice from me, peace in that i am being honest with myself and that discernment is an ongoing process of life, and truth and honesty always in being who i am and who i was made to be. i'm learning also how to try to not be so gut-responsive...cause sometimes it just stresses me out and makes me uneasy, and crystal can tend to jump to conclusions in a matter of seconds. that, therefore, has been added to my..."i can only improve from here" list. :)

and with that, i wanna love life - authentically, realistically, and beautifully.

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