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Monday, January 2, 2012

be ready

stumbled upon this excerpt from a book written by Sr. Mary Fran Gilleran, IHM, and well, i would say this articulates the actions associated with discernment, quite well. it doesn't make things easier, but it certainly is affirmation that we are never alone with our experiences on discernment. similar theme, similar happenings, and One who is with us through it all. thank goodness. amen.


The work of discernment sets a challenge before us. We enter a process of choice and decision-making with many aspects to it. The deepest calls of our lives, the times when we know we have to choose, are profound moments.

These moments always seem to have two sides: call and dread. A call that challenges us, that we know is right, confronts us with dread at the same time. We know this call will require new demands of us. It will require taking on and letting go of familiar patterns and ways of being comfortable. It elicits dread even though we know it is time, it is needed, it is even good for us and for the whole.
- Midwiving a Vibrant Future by Sister Mary Fran Gilleran, IHM

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