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Monday, August 10, 2009

sing your song with me

what do you want of me Lord? where do you want me to serve you?

so after my inability to sleep last night, i think i finally got to bed at 2amish. the plan was to sleep around 12, but then of course, roomie had to debrief a convo, so therefore, 2am sounded good. :) yup, that was after, of course, i felt something sit on my bed, and then come over me, and i couldn't move for a little bit in my bed. YUP. yeah, what was it? i have no idea, but i do remember that it was like someone had sat on my bed...yeah, so that's that.

i woke up to the sound of movers in the hallway, and multiple sisters talking at the same time, directing where everything should be moved to. i got up, took a shower, and got ready for mass. we had a farewell mass service for 5 sisters who would be moving to different convents in new york - we have to get rid of the one here in philly. :( mass was beautiful and it is such a blessing to be able to sit among these holy women...many who entered the convent at the mere age of 16 or 18. such a blessing.

lunch followed, we took lots of pictures, and i was almost brought to tears just by staring at these wonderful women and hearing their stories, hearing them sing, watching them take care of themselves, AND each other. i would say this is such a privilege to be able to sit across the table at meals with these sisters. i have never really been so happy to wipe down the tables with windex after they ate...maybe it's because the spirit of joy really came over the dining room this afternoon.

it is a sad thing to think though, that at their age, 86 and many in their late 90s, their lives may be coming to an end soon, but wow, such fruitful lives they have led. God called them to follow Him, as Catholic, as religious life, but as the priest said in his homily today, that is only one of the ways God meant to "follow Him." who knows what that looks like for each of us? it looks very different...or maybe not.

i am blessed by watching Sister Margaret take care of her tens of birds, i am blessed by the servers who prepare our meals each day, i am blessed by the sisters who bicker at one another with regards to how to fix a computer internet connection, i am blessed by this place, so so so so much.

i think we're going to explore philly today, using public transportation. way to go crystal. i know. blessings your way, and lots of love and hugs.

<3 crystal

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